Fluoroquinolones rapid test kit is a 10min rapid test to detect quinolones residues in milk, egg, meat and other biological samples. No instrument required, no organic solvent required. Easy to use.
Fluoroquinolones (QNS) are broad-spectrum antibiotics that play an important role in treatment of serious bacterial infections, especially hospital-acquired infections and others in which resistance to older antibacterial classes is suspected. Due to the potential hazard to human, strict MRLs have been set in EU, USA and other countries.
Key facts of the fluoroquinolones rapid test kit
- Ready to use kits for farmers, truck drivers, etc
- No incubation required
- Result visible in less than 10min
- Receptor assay with broad-specificity to most of QNS.
Detection limit of the fluoroquinolones rapid test kit
QNS | LOD(μg/L) | QNS | LOD(μg/L) | QNS | LOD(μg/L) |
Enrofloxacin | 8 | Danofloxain | 15 | Flumequine | 15 |
Difloxacin | 20 | Sarafloxacin | 20 | Pefloxacin | 20 |
Norfloxacin | 8 | Ofloxacin | 10 | Oxilinic acid | 40 |
Enoxacin | 40 | Ciprofloxacin | 10 | - | - |
This product utilizes the high affinity of monoclonal antibody against quinolone common structure, which can identify a broad spectrum of QNS. The detection limit of the kit can meet both European and USA MRLs when use properly.
For quantitative analysis of quinolones, you can choose Ringbio Quinolones ELISA Kit.
fluoroquinolones rapid test kit Components
- QNS Test Strip, 96pcs
- Microwell reagent, 96wells
- Plastic Pipette, 96pcs